Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Thirty Nine...Three Nine...39

The number thirty nine is not only a number, but it is also a lifetime for me.  In less than a month from today, I will turn the dreaded FOUR OHHHHHH!!!!!  Personally, I am not dreading it at all, for it is only another number, another notch on my proverbial belt, another hash mark added to my timeline.  Yes, my skin has developed more wrinkles and is thinning for some stupid ass reason.  It's almost getting to the point where the "life lines" are blending with my scars from my youth (pre 39 years).

Do I have any regrets?  Only one, and it will remain out of this public forum.  For the most part, I have lived life on my terms.  My poor mom gave birth to a stubborn and rebellious redhead, but my parents raised me to be respectful and loving no matter what.  I have learned a lot about my character building past through therapy.  Strength is my ally today, for I have God and experience on my side...that is an extraordinary feeling!

My life is filled with amazing friends/family, peaceful moments, undeserved happiness, and last, but certainly not least, five phenomenal children!  One of the things I took for granted was the luxurious feeling I receive from my children's laughter and smiles.  Their happiness is like a song you can't stop listening to, for you just tap your foot and hammer out air drums while singing off tune lyrics.  That is how my kids make me I just want to dance every second of every day.

Carpe Diem,


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