Writer's block. What the heck? Usually I can flow with ease...usually my hands can't type fast enough to keep up with my mind, but now my thoughts are just jumping back and forth....feels like someone is playing ping pong with my brain.
Bridges keep popping to my mind, so maybe the ping pong game will cease for a bit.
I firmly believe that friendship bridges are essential to life. Where would anyone be without friends? Lonely planet is where they would call home. Just like physical bridges, friendships have to be constructed on a solid foundation. Trust is that foundation. Break the trust and you have just burned the bridge, and some bridges and friendships take years to build. Constructing a bridge is like building a relationship. If planned and constructed carefully, it will last for numerous years. BUT if any defects exist in the foundation, the structure will weaken the flawed bridge over time, and eventually it will come crashing to the ground. Sound familiar with the trust factor? Ever been betrayed by a friend? Have YOU ever betrayed someone? It is a sick feeling that weighs heavily on one's heart. Those friendship bridges are created with the nails of love. Love and trust go hand in hand, and those bridges will sustain you through the hardest of times and have you rolling in the floor laughing your ba-donka-donk off during the good times.
Do your best not to burn any bridges...just shower those friends with love!!!
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